What You Need In Your Changing Bag – Toddler Edition

We all know that leaving the house with a baby means you need to take almost everything but the kitchen sink with you, packed neatly unto your changing bag. It’s as if you’re preparing for a long expedition, but in reality, it’s just a quick trip to do the food shop. I used to believe that as babies grow older, we’d need less stuff. Oh, how mistaken I was! In fact, it feels like we require even more supplies now. Sound familiar?

If you’re a parent who can relate to the overwhelming task of packing a changing bag, fear not. Today, I’m here to share the comprehensive list of items we’ve found indispensable for our adventures out and about. So, whether you’re a seasoned parent seeking a quick refresher or a soon-to-be parent curious about the necessities, join me as we delve into the contents of our trusty diaper bag. Get ready to decipher what might be essential for your own journeys with your little one. Trust me, we’re in this together!


Once your toddler is potty trained, you can strike these off of the list (but replace them with a thousand other items your toddler deems ‘essential’). In the meantime, nappies are arguably the most important thing in the changing bag. A good rule to go by is to replace any that you’ve used as soon as you get home, so that you don’t get caught short without any!

Nappy bags

Ah, nappy bags, the unsung heroes of our changing bag essentials. It’s one of those items that often slips our minds until we desperately need it. Trust me, I’ve been there one too many times. So, consider this a friendly reminder to always double-check your stock and ensure you have an ample supply.

It may seem obvious, but amidst the chaos of parenting, it’s the little things that tend to slip through the cracks. You’re focused on packing snacks, spare outfits, and toys to keep your little one entertained. And yet, it’s those trusty nappy bags that can make or break an outing.

So, before you venture out, take a moment to pause and make sure you have enough nappy bags on hand. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later when faced with those inevitable diaper-changing moments. After all, preparedness is key, and a well-stocked supply of nappy bags is a simple yet essential part of your diaper bag checklist.


Another key item that quickly run out and are easy to forget to replace. We use wipes for all sorts of situations when we’re out and about; nappy changes, hand and faces cleans, small spillages on clothes. I quite often have an extra pack stashed away at the bottom of the bag so that I don’t run out.

Change of outfit – toddler

While blow-outs may be less likely, don’t be fooled into thinking that you won’t need a spare outfit (or two or three!) in your changing bag. Toddlers have a remarkable talent for finding new and imaginative ways to get dirty and messy. It’s as if they have a secret mission to explore every puddle, embrace every sticky substance, and create their own abstract artwork on their clothes.

To stay one step ahead of the mess, I always ensure we have at least one change of outfit tucked away in our diaper bag. And let’s not forget the often overlooked, yet vital, component: socks! Trust me, when it comes to keeping those little feet cozy and protected, socks are a non-negotiable.

But what if we’re embarking on a full day of adventure? Well, in those cases, I’m a firm believer in the “better safe than sorry” approach. So, I make sure to pack more than one change of outfit for our spirited explorer. It’s all part of the grand dance of parenthood—expecting the unexpected and being prepared for anything.

Change of outfit – You

It seems like I’ve experienced every substance known to humankind, courtesy of my little one. And wouldn’t you know it, most of these messy mishaps occur when we’re out and about, exploring the world. There’s nothing quite like realising you’re wearing a top adorned with someone else’s snot to make you appreciate the importance of being prepared.

Because let’s face it, parenting is an unpredictable journey, and unexpected messes have a knack for finding us when we least expect it. Whether it’s a sneeze of epic proportions, a rogue spit-up incident, or an artistic display of food smearing, having a spare top can be a true game-changer.

At the very least, I make sure to have a fresh top ready to go. There’s nothing like the feeling of a clean, snot-free garment against your skin, providing a welcome respite from the chaos of parenting.

Spare Shoes

When it comes to little ones, messes are an inevitable part of life. From muddy puddles to sandy beaches, food mishaps to general dirt adventures, you never quite know when a spare pair of shoes will come in handy. That’s why I always make sure to have an extra pair in our changing bag.


When it comes to essential items for your changing bag, sunscreen undoubtedly takes a top spot. We all know the importance of protecting our skin from the sun’s harmful rays, yet it’s surprisingly easy to overlook this crucial step in our rush to head out the door.

That’s why I make sure to include mini sunscreen bottles for both myself and Babybel in our diaper bag. These pint-sized protectors are a lifesaver, ensuring that we’re prepared for those impromptu adventures under the sun.


More often than not, these are firmly ensconced on Babybel’s face. On the days when it’s not sunny though, I still make sure to take her sunglasses as you never know when the sun will make an appearance, especially in the UK.


Depending on which season we’re in, this will either be a sun hat or a wooly hat, there doesn’t seem to be anything in between.

A cardigan

As I’m writing this blog post the weather has gone through almost every type of scenario, which actually reminded me I need to put a clean cardigan in the bag. In this country, you never know when the temperature will suddenly drop from 24 degrees down to just 12 degrees!

Nappy Rash Cream

We’ve got both Bepanthen and Sudocrem in our bag, as I prefer one and John prefers the other. You never know when nappy rash (or any other rash for that matter) is going to attack.


These don’t really need much explanation, do they? Snacks for Babybel, snacks for John, snacks for me. All the snacks.

Water bottles

Staying hydrated is crucial, no matter where our adventures take us. That’s why I make it a habit to carry full water bottles wherever we go. However, I’ve come to realise that having a separate water bottle for Babybel can sometimes feel a bit futile. More often than not, she insists on drinking from mine!

It’s as if she sees my water bottle as the ultimate source of refreshment and wants to join in on the sips. Sharing may be caring, but it does leave me questioning the necessity of a separate bottle for her. Nevertheless, I still pack one for her in our diaper bag, just in case she decides to claim her own hydrating vessel for the day.

Antibacterial hand wipes

Toddlers have a knack for finding every surface imaginable to touch, from doorknobs to shopping trollies, and everything in between. It’s no secret that these surfaces can harbour all sorts of unseen germs. With a simple swipe of an antibacterial hand wipe, I can easily remove dirt, grime, and potentially harmful bacteria from Babybel’s hands, helping to keep her healthy and safe.

But let’s not forget about us parents! These hand wipes are just as beneficial for our own cleanliness and peace of mind. With the hectic nature of parenting, we may find ourselves in situations where access to soap and water is limited. In those moments, having antibacterial hand wipes readily available ensures that we can maintain clean hands and minimise the spread of germs.


Muslins are lightweight and easy to carry, making them perfect for outings and adventures. They fold up neatly and can be tucked into any bag or pocket, ensuring that you’re always prepared for any unexpected messes that come your way. Their soft and absorbent nature makes them ideal for all sorts of messes, whether it’s wiping up a little bit of spit-up or tackling the aftermath of a particularly robust sneeze.

Changing mat

Our came with the changing bag and fits in there nicely. Perfect for nappy changes when out and about.

What’s your absolute changing bag must have? Let me know in the comments.

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